Lunes, Setyembre 30, 2013

4 Side Effects of Acupuncture That Are Normal

There are certain side effects that can also be experienced sometimes during or after the acupuncture sessions. But, not to worry as none of these side effects are dangerous to your life and are generally fleeting.

The most general positive effects of acupuncture treatment are things that are desired by everyone – improved sleep, enhanced and more energy, mental clarity, improved digestion and decreased stress. However, there are certain side effects that can also be experienced sometimes during or after the acupuncture sessions. But, not to worry as none of these side effects are a danger to your life and are generally fleeting. Still, it is good to be aware about them so that if you happen to experience them, you understand that they’re normal and nothing to worry about.

Listed Below are some of the Common Side Effects of Acupuncture that are Normal:

Fatigue: Often you might feel totally exhausted after an acupuncture session. Examples of more frequent results can be augmented energy but seldom the treatment effect lingers on for a long time. Feeling tired after acupuncture is not a reason for concern but it is an indication that you need adequate rest. If you feel like this, you should take it easy for the remainder of the day. It is also recommended that you take a bath that night, go to bed early and the following day, with proper rest, you will feel fresh again.

Muscle contraction: It is a possibility that every time you get acupuncture in Del Mar CA, irrespective of where the needles are inserted, your muscle twitches. Often most people might experience involuntary muscle contraction during or after acupuncture. This is true for muscles that are receiving acupuncture needles and sometimes also on random parts of the body that are even located far from any acupuncture needles. Care has to be taken if you experience acute muscle contraction during or after the session, particularly if it’s a muscle that was recently needled; don’t hesitate to inform your professional acupuncturist to avoid any complications.

Soreness: Acupuncture treatment requires inserting fine thread like needles on specific points in your body. This might result in developing soreness after removal of the needles. This is specifically true for points in your feet and hands, chiefly at the acupuncture point positioned between your thumb and index finger. You can also experience some muscle soreness far away from the needle site. But this is not to be taken too seriously, as such soreness usually fritters away within a period of 24 hours and big trigger point releases result in lasting soreness that might disappear after some days. Consult your acupuncturists before so that you get a better idea what to expect after the treatment or session.

Sudden emotional release: Seldom most people cry in acupuncture, not due to any pain but because of a sudden release of their emotions. The sudden emotional release that you might feel in acupuncture is typically a positive experience.


Lunes, Setyembre 23, 2013

Weight Loss and Weight Management with Acupuncture

Insomnia is often one of the most common complaints heard by patients visiting acupuncturists, and acupuncture can be highly effective at resolving it. But even if you do not recognize or consider your sleep as a problem, acupuncture treatment has a tendency to give you more restful nights.

Losing weight and getting in shape are the most basic things on everyone’s agenda. However, with lack of motivation, sedentary lifestyles and knowledge about how to get the desired results leads us to a dead end. Losing weight not only adds to your personality, but it also keeps various life threatening diseases at bay as well. This is the reason why the market is full of weight loss products ranging from dietary supplements, creams, herbal teas to exercising machines. Although our magazines and television screens keep on being flooded with advertisements about the above mentioned weight loss products and techniques, acupuncture, one of the most effective weight loss techniques gets lost somewhere in the middle of all of this.

Acupuncture can help you lose and maintaining a healthy new weight

Regular exercises can help us lose weight. However, our busy lifestyles leave us with no energy at the end of the day. It is proven that acupuncture enhances the metabolism and energy levels, making us more focused towards our goal of losing weight. With the required motivation and energy levels, acupuncture allows people to go to the gym and work hard with regained vigor.

In addition, acupuncture also helps in relieving muscular pain, thus you are able to enjoy an individual workout without feeling any muscular pain or cramps in the body while exercising. Acupuncture also checks the underlying metabolic causes for weight gain and enhances blood circulation throughout the body, increasing the metabolism and maintaining a healthy body weight.

Eating disorders are a result of various psychological forces at work in the brain. Depression, stress, anxiety or fears are some of the causes of binge eating or over eating. Acupuncture works by inserting the acupuncture needles into the precise points on the body that leads to the releasing of endorphins. Endorphins are the feel good hormones that have a relaxing and soothing effect on an individual, which relieves depression, stress and frustration, all of these that can ignite an overpowering urge to eat.

The most important thing that you need to keep in mind before you start acupuncture therapy is that acupuncture is not a miracle treatment for weight loss – you need to be patient and if you are, you should see the desired results after a couple of sessions. Acupuncture is a therapy that works in addition to certain lifestyle and dietary changes. If you are ready to make healthy lifestyle changes, this ancient Chinese art will help you transform into a fit and lean machine. 

How can acupuncture in Del Mar, CA help you?

Most people after months of exercising and fad diets tend to gain extra pounds. This is because fad diets and training programs do not address the intrinsic cause of weight gain. A professional and skilled acupuncture specialist will focus on the underlying causes of weight gain by inserting the needles in the concerned energy points on the body. Once the issue is addressed, the acupuncture specialist will find the right solution for it. The best part about acupuncture is that it is not only completely devoid of side effects, it also enhances the body’s immunity and keep you focused so that you do not gain weight again.