Martes, Pebrero 26, 2013

Acupuncture For Weight Loss — How Effective is it?

You tend to suffer from ailments and feel the pain when energy gets blocked in the meridians. The balanced flow of energy is restored with the help of needles inserted into the exact points along the meridian lines.

The moment you start-up a new workout or a diet plan, it is quite essential to stimulate enough energy to continue it and make it through. Acupuncture might help you with weight loss by increasing your energy levels to make exercising for you an easier task.

So, how effective is acupuncture for weight loss?

Acupuncture, to a considerable extent, can help to speed up your metabolism thereby increasing circulation in your body. The use of acupuncture needles helps to mobilize your body's energy reserves thus, resulting in weight reduction and a lower level of cholesterol.

Acupuncture in California for a fat reduction program entails the insertion of slim and thin needles into certain points on the skin that assist the effective working of your body. Acupuncture treatment also encourages your body to produce endorphins — the body's own pain-relieving chemical substances. According to the theory related to acupuncture for weight loss lays emphasis on managing your hunger through the discharge of those brain substances.

An acupuncture therapist usually starts with a necessary physical as well as psychological assessment to be aware of the reason behind the patient's weight condition. When the first reason of the weight problems is identified in an overweight person, the acupuncturist can insert needles into different areas of the person's body in order to enhance the body's functioning. The insertion of the fine sterile needles into your body at specific points facilitates the free flow of energy throughout your body that further triggers the body to repair and heal itself.

Acupuncture for weight loss — The process involved in it & its advantages

Acupuncture for weight loss consists of inserting five needles in each ear — four of them aids in detoxification among the body parts, namely, kidneys, lungs, nervous system and liver. The fifth needle helps in relaxation.

Acupuncture to some degree can also help to trim down your cravings for certain food items. Therefore, the weight loss treatment through acupuncture will endeavor to encourage a decrease in your natural appetite. One benefit of acupuncture weight loss treatment is that there are no harmful side effects associated with the treatment and moreover, there is no probability of addiction. Acupuncture is simply an all-natural method of sustaining alternative fat loss endeavors.

Most of the people who undergo acupuncture treatment usually confirm that they get a good sleep during the night; thus, this produces better balance of their body's systems. Acupuncture weight loss treatments must be repeated daily to get positive results. However, it is imperative to supplement the acupuncture for weight loss with a special diet and exercise. Your acupuncturist can guide you with specific dietary directions on what to stay away from eating to encourage the positive flow of energy throughout your body, thus reducing the weight, as well. For those people who have been dealing with a complicated weight loss issue; acupuncture for weight loss can be helpful in making their diet plans and workout efforts a success.

Acupuncture is surely one thing that's worth giving a try if you're struggling hard to reduce your weight.


Acupuncture in San Diego CA: Your Heart-Healthy Dietary Check-List, PART 1

This two-part article series provides a list of foods and beverages that are beneficial to long-term cardiovascular health.

Looking after the health of your heart should be a life-long priority, say professionals in acupuncture in San Diego CA, whether you or your family has a history of cardiovascular disease, or not. We all know what it takes to lead a healthy lifestyle: getting plenty of exercise and sleep, drinking in moderation and steering clear of habits such as smoking. Eating healthily is also fundamental, but did you know that there are specific foods and beverages that are more beneficial to the health of your heart than other health foods? In this two-part article series, professionals in acupuncture in San Diego CA – who regularly provide treatment for patients with cardiovascular problems, hypertension and high cholesterol – list the top heart-healthy foods we should all be eating on a daily basis in order to keep our hearts in the best possible shape.

Foods and Beverages that Comprise a Heart-Healthy Diet

1. Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, kale, cabbages, radish, and Brussels sprouts are bursting at the seams with heart-healthy phytochemicals and antioxidants. And they’re so easy to prepare, say specialists in acupuncture in San Diego CA. You can bake them, steam them or even eat them raw with a low-fat dip. There’s really no excuse not to enjoy a large portion of them every day! Here’s my favorite: Grease an oven tray with olive oil, toss in some chopped broccoli and season with garlic, pepper and a pinch of salt. The heat brings out the beautiful sweetness of 
cruciferous vegetables, making them the ideal side portion with any dinner meal, say professionals in acupuncture in San Diego CA.

2. Acupuncture in San Diego CA and Fatty Fish: Fat is not something one tends to associate with a heart healthy diet, say professionals in acupuncture in San Diego CA. But the fats in certain food, such as anchovies and salmon, are heavily loaded with the essentially fatty acids your body and heart needs. There are so many different ways to enjoy fish too, say experts in acupuncture in San Diego CA. Obviously, the deep fried version is the one to steer clear of, but grilled, poached, stir-fried, sushi-style or even cooked in curry offers a myriad of ways to enjoy the delicate and tender flavors offered up by the ocean’s basket.

3. Acupuncture in San Diego CA and Flaxseed: These tiny tear-drop shaped seeds are little goodness filled bombs of omega-3 fatty acids. Scientific studies on the health benefits of this otherwise innocuous looking grain reveal that adding flaxseed to your diet helps to prevent the formation of blood clots inside the body, while also significantly reducing one’s risk of developing heart disease. Flaxseed isn’t the most appetizing of grains, say professionals in acupuncture in San Diego CA, but if you sprinkle a large tablespoon of it over your cereal or salad, you won’t notice it at all. 

Acupuncture in San Diego CA: Stay Tuned

To find out about the other heart-healthy foods and beverages you should be including in your diet, stay tuned for the second installment of this two-part article series, courtesy of specialists in acupuncture in San Diego CA.