Acupuncture treatment is an ancient therapeutic practice
developed in the Far East, which involves the insertion of ultra-fine needles
at very precise locations in the body. This, explains the acupuncturist in San Diego, is intended to
improve functioning while encouraging the body’s natural healing abilities. How
does it do this? The traditional explanation given by the Chinese practitioners
of acupuncture is that energy runs in channels and patterns through the body.
These channels are referred to as meridians and can be likened to great flowing
rivers that run their course over the surface of the skin, providing nutrition
and hydration to the tissues, organs and systems. An obstruction in the flow of
these meridians, explains the acupuncturist in San Diego, causes a dam that
backs up the smooth running of the other energy meridians.

treatment is used to influence and ‘unblock’ the energy meridians at specific
points on the body. By reestablishing smooth-flowing energy meridians, the
in San Diego can help the body’s organs, systems and tissues
to correct imbalances, thus improving and hastening healing and recovery from a
number of conditions, diseases and maladies.
Acupuncturist in San Diego:
The Western Perspective
The explanation provided above comes from the Chinese
doctors that practice acupuncture according to the ancient traditions and
methodologies that have been preserved and passed down for hundreds, if not
thousands of years. For this reason, says the acupuncturist in San Diego, many
people and especially those that have been raised on the western school of
thought, approach acupuncture treatment with great skepticism. However, there is a scientific explanation provided by
the acupuncturist in San Diego. First, consider these fascinating facts about
acupuncture treatment:
- The effectiveness of acupuncture
treatment has been scientifically shown, through carefully controlled
clinical trials, to be effective in the treatment of many illnesses and
diseases, says the acupuncturist in San Diego.
- From a strict analysis of all the
various bits of scientific literature on acupuncture, the World Health
Organization (WHO) has officially recognized 200 different health
conditions, diseases and maladies for which acupuncture is seen as an
effective treatment.
- There are 78 specific conditions for
which acupuncture treatment has attained positive results, says the
acupuncturist in San Diego. However, further scientific testing is
necessary in order for a solid relationship to be established.
- The availability of acupuncture
treatment at medical hospitals in the United States has increased
considerably over the last five years. This, says the acupuncturist in San
Diego, certainly serves as recognition of the efficacy of this ancient
Eastern practice in the treatment of a whole suite of illnesses,
conditions and diseases.
- In the last decade, the Air Force,
Navy and Army doctors have taken acupuncture to Iraq and Afghanistan to
lessen the pain felt by wounded soldiers and to help all soldiers cope
with the incredible stress of being in constant mortal danger. In fact, says
the acupuncturist in San Diego, acupuncture treatment has become an
integral part of the emergency care provided by many hospitals in war
So, given the acceptance of acupuncture by as
internationally respected organizations as the WHO, it would seem as though
there is a more scientific explanation for this ancient practice! And it goes
as follows:
The insertion of needles encourages the release of certain
natural chemicals in the spinal cord, brain and muscles, says the acupuncturist
in San Diego. These chemicals can either trigger the release of other hormones,
which influence the body’s natural internal regulating system, or they change
the body’s experience and interpretation of pain. This stimulates healing and
promotes emotional and physical vitality, explains the acupuncturist in San
Acupuncturist in San Diego:
Stay Tuned
For more information on the western approach and
understanding of acupuncture treatment,
stay tuned for the second installment of this article series.